Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a broad term for cancers that start in soft
tissues (muscle, tendons, fat, lymph and blood vessels, and nerves). These
cancers can develop anywhere in the body but are found mostly in the arms,
legs, chest, and abdomen.
STS is a rare malignant tumour comprising near about 1% of the adult malignancies. It has got more than hundred subtypes. Hence, it needs multidisciplinary approach and adequate expertise for proper management. Common site of metastases is lungs.
Swelling at any part of the body mostly at
upper and lower limbs – commonest symptom
Pain is not that common
· Ulceration over the swelling
Local MRI – to assess the origin and
extent of the tumor.
CT scan of the chest – to find out any spread
to the lungs
CT/MR angiogram – to see blood vessel
& immunohistochemistry
It is very important to
establish the diagnosis and find out the type of sarcoma. As treatment options
are different for different types of sarcoma. Without immunohistochemistry the
treatment of sarcoma is incomplete.
It is also important that
the primary surgeon takes the biopsy as the biopsy tract has to be removed
during the surgery.
You can find me at the following location or email me at the given email address. You can also send me a message via the form on the right side.
Plot-03 , Embankment Drive Way Sector-10 , Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230
Sun, Tue, Thu
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Mirpur-11, Central Mosque & Madrasha Complex Plot #4-5, Sector #07, Pallabi
Sat - Thu
7:30 PM - 9 PM